As elected officials, NYSDEC, and local environmental groups continue to emphasize the importance of air quality monitoring to investigate the impact of air, soil, and groundwater contamination in the Meeker Avenue Plume Superfund site, many are wondering what rights they have as tenants to preserve their health and safety.

So this Thursday, May 25, at 5 p.m. North Brooklyn Neighbors and St. Nicks Alliance are hosting an information session at the Greenpoint Library (107 Norman Ave) to answer these questions with a lawyer present.

Participation in air quality monitoring is voluntary and many tenants in the affected area are currently in a stalemate due to resistance from landlords in fear over declining property values, leaving those renters to feel unprotected. This is one of the many concerns that will be addressed during the workshop, as well as updates on how the EPA is studying the plume and general steps to take to participate in monitoring activities.

The session will also be translated to Polish and Spanish.

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