Yesterday, a reader tagged Greenpointers in a video of a new building under construction near the Pulaski Bridge. As we’re in the business of breaking news, several other readers chimed in with tips about what the building would be.

Some told us it was the North Brooklyn Community Boathouse’s new facility, and others said it would be, of all things, an indoor skydiving facility.

So, what’s going on?

This particular video depicts what will eventually become an indoor skydiving facility at 10-04 Borden Avenue in Long Island City. However, the reason for the confusion is clear, as the North Brooklyn Community’s Boathouse’s new facility will be located almost exactly across Newtown Creek, at 51 Ash Street (Google Maps says this is an eight-minute journey on foot).

As iFly is located out of our geographical jurisdiction and, therefore, we can refrain from spending more time than we possibly need to bring you this information, we’re thrilled to report on North Brooklyn Community Boathouse’s big plans to expand.

“After more than a decade, the NBCB is going to have a new building of almost 8,000 square feet to take people to paddle, teach them how to protect the environment, hold workshops on nautical crafting, and other educational programs,” said Queens Latino last November.

The new boathouse, set to open in 2024, obtained $3.5 million for construction through a grant from Newtown Creek Environmental Benefit Fund (NCEBF) and Broadway Stages.

Happy for the good folks at the NBCB! We don’t know the iFly team, but good luck to them, I guess!

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