On Tuesday evening, January 17, twenty or so neighbors gathered via Zoom to address how local public officials plan to deal with a man, Christopher Boissard, widely known around the neighborhood for allegedly harassing and assaulting multiple Greenpointers. 

We won’t rehash the numerous claims made against Boissard, as you can search on Nextdoor and local Facebook groups to gain a better understanding of his behavior, as well as read our lengthy article about him from 2021. 

The meeting’s tone vacillated between anger, frustration, and genuine concern as neighbors shared their experiences. District 33 city councilmember Lincoln Restler and his office hosted, sharing what they’ve learned from conversations with the 94th precinct, the Kings County district attorney’s office, and other health professionals. Restler mentioned that Boissard has been arrested 61 times over the last decade, though often, the assaults he commits (such as punching) aren’t always an arrestable offense.

According to Restler, Boissard was recently accepted into mental health court, an alternative to incarceration, meaning he will be referred to services, which he is required to accept, or else he risks returning to jail.  

Restler’s office has already requested that Boissard is placed in in-patient care, outside of the neighborhood. In order to present the judge with the most comprehensive picture of the situation possible, Restler’s office along with the 94th precinct encourages individuals who have had an interaction with him to file a report with the 94th precinct. You must visit the station in person to file the report. 

While the process of mental health court, as with so many necessary social services, can drag on, what can be done in the meantime?

Boissard qualifies for the city’s Intensive Mobile Treatment program to conduct a psychiatric evaluation, which should happen within the next few days. Once they complete their evaluation, those findings will be shared with the DA’s office as the case proceeds through the court.

There’s no one perfect solution to the issue, but hopefully, these will be positive steps forward.

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  1. I hope this works. It is crazy that an individual can be arrested 61 times and is still allowed to walk on the streets.

  2. Wow. This guy lives across the street from me on Greenpoint b/w Eagle and Dupont. I’ve seen him out and about on many occasions, even at 2am when he’s gone out ranting in the street with just a pair of pants on and nothing else. Had no idea the history, but he does appear to live with at least one older Spanish woman (his mother? aunt?) who’s constantly yelling at him when he gets out of hand. She clearly has no control over him, when he goes off on his rants.

    I’ve had minor interactions with him, mostly when I first moved here when he ran up to me and seemed to be gesturing/attempting to communicate. Yes, he’s deaf and I just figured he had mental or other developmental issues as well that caused his inability to speak normally, and I felt compassionate towards him for this reason, figured he was harmless. Now I know the extent of it. I mean, this guy’s allowed to be out and about with WEAPONS on him? WTF?

    More recently, my daughter and I were walking along Greenpoint Ave and looking at a restaurant menu, when we saw him walking back and forth b/w patrons on the sidewalk waiting for a table. My daughter said she didn’t feel comfortable around him, and I explained that he lived in the neighborhood and had some disabilities. I tell ya, if he had made any move to harass my daughter in any way, shape or form he would have been on the sidewalk with a broken arm, screaming in pain. I certainly hope he keeps his distance from me and mine, now that I know he’s not as “innocent” as I thought.

    1. Sorry, meant Manhattan b/w Dupont and Eagle.

      Guy’s out on the street right now ranting and raving. Ugh. Going to have a convo with my local precinct to find out what’s going on here. Wondering if *any* of the actions mentioned by our local pol Restler in the article have come to pass. : /

      1. Can we get a follow up article ? What happened to the in-patient care Reseter’s office was asking for?Because this dude is out and about in Manhattan Ave in front of CVS every day. Not good for him or the community , he needs to be in permanent compassionate treatment and off the streets .

    1. You say that now until your wife or daughter gets assaulted by him and then you become the snowflake. Or maybe you are too tough to care for anyone but yourself tough guy.

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