John Ericsson MS 126 (424 Leonard Street) is hosting a sock drive.

Middle school student Gabriela Thomas (who you may remember from her recent op-ed in Greenpointers) is leading the charge to collect donations for homeless folks in need.

“My personal goal this time is to collect double the amount of socks I did last year, which was 1,200 new pairs,” Thomas told Greenpointers. “I’m very proud to say all I have left to reach is six pairs. I have now collected 1,994 pairs of socks to give.”

Donations will be collected until October 1. Stop by room 232 at MS 126, or the drop off box near the entrance of PS 31 (new socks only, please!).

Assemblymember Emily Gallagher also has a box set up at her district office, and Thomas tells Greenpointers that Council Member Lincoln Restler will have one as well.

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