Another pizza place is coming to North Brooklyn! Fini Pizza will open soon on 305 Bedford Avenue, Eater reports.

Fini Pizza is a new operation from Sean Feeney, who, through the hospitality group Grovehouse, owns the much-acclaimed Lilia alongside chef Missy Robbins. However, Eater points out that Fini Pizza’s liquor license is filed under a different LLC than Grovehouse, indicating that this could be a standalone operation from Feeney.

Not many details are known, but Fini Pizza maintains a semi-active Instagram account in the meantime.

Did Williamsburg need another pizza place? Probably not. Did Williamsburg need a pizza place brought to us by someone who used to work at Goldman Sachs and told Donald Trump during a COVID restaurant industry roundtable that he viewed Trump “as one of us”?

Like the great Aretha Franklin when asked to comment on Nicki Minaj: “I’m gonna pass on that one.”

To his credit, Feeney also has done a lot of work to advocate for the restaurant industry during the height of the pandemic through the organization ROAR ROAR (Restaurants Organizing Advocating & Rebuilding). Plus, Ina Garten likes a lot of his Instagram posts, so what do I know?

While I’m out here burning bridges, I’d like to get something off my chest. Lilia is good! Great, even! But is it….slightly overrated? I love their starters and the Italian Job dessert is truly one of the best I’ve ever had! But when it comes to pasta, is the short rib ravioli from Naked Dog better than Lilia’s famous pink peppercorn malfadini? Maybe!

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  1. To the editor: while I already know you won’t post this publicly because you probably only accept criticism when its you giving it and not you receiving it, I still want to put this out there: shame on you for defaming something who wants to make good pizza and share it with the community because they don’t align with your personal political views! They haven’t opened yet and here you are already downplaying their potential because of where they previously worked and what they said! What does Pizza have to do with Trump? If their pizza turns out to be good do you really think they don’t deserve success because they worked at Goldman Sachs and spoke with Trump? You are so childish as an editor and you have shown your colors! If you are like this to this business owner then Emma Davey watch me return the favor in the future, when the time is right! Don’t bother sending to the email address, you should post your reply publicly below!

    1. For all the talk about “don’t bother sending to the email address,” you don’t have one listed! Or your name either! Reach me at [email protected] if you’d like to talk about this civilly and not make threats at me. I stand by what I wrote.

  2. hi Emma- 2 yrs ago Sean was in DC representing NYC restaurants & lobbying for much needed funds to help save the industry. His comment to the President as “one of us” referred to him being a New Yorker…..he was lobbying for cash for NYC, that’s it. He worked very closely w Senator Schumer to get the Restaurant Bill passed thru Congress. He’s a good man who cares deeply for NYC & the tens of thousands restaurant employees in our 5 boroughs. Have a great day! Sean Peters

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