Two decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have come together to host a “regenerative rave” at Baby’s All Right on April 29 to raise funds for Bossa Nova Civic Club‘s and Rash Bar‘s rehabilitative efforts after fires earlier this year closed down what are considered cultural sacred spaces by many.

The line-up will feature: Chopstix, No_4mat, Joselo, Kai the Black Angel, Morenxxx, Moment of Terror, Butchish, Thenorik, Honey Cafe, and Dynoman.

HOLE, a DAO of underrepresented creatives, DJs, artists, and producers, is collaborating with FWB, another DAO of cultural creators, to throw the event, which has come together in a little over a month with permission from both spaces’ owners. [Editor’s note — a DAO is sort of like a club for crypto-enthusiasts. Don’t ask me to explain further than that]

“We met Will, who runs the [FWB] events for New York and said we were interested in doing something with them, and he said, ‘Well, let’s do something for Bossa, since that just happened.’ And I was like ‘Hell yeah, how about we do something for Bossa and Rash?’ because that happened shortly after,” Melanie Maynard, founder of HOLE, said. “We started working together, so it’s DAO to DAO, which means that there’s a lot of people involved in the process, so it’s extremely collaborative.”

Most of the twelve DJs booked have history spinning at Bossa Nova Civic Club and Rash, which makes them all the more motivated to support relief funds for what many members of the LGBTQ+ community consider sacred spaces. The night will also be hosted by Marshall Columbia, whose designs have been seen on stars like Megan Thee Stallion, Tinashe, and Charli XCX.

“All of our friends literally had nights at Bossa. FWB has all these resources and connections, and we have a bunch of beautiful talent who is really rad, so why don’t we come together for the cause?” Maynard recalled. “It feels very beautiful and wholesome in the way that we’re coming together, everybody is super supportive of it all, and it feels like a big team.”

The event speaks directly to HOLE’s design to amplify up-and-coming talent and mentor creatives in a community-based atmosphere while also bringing different, more diverse perspectives to blockchain than those typically associated with it.

“Everybody that I have surrounded myself with, how we found each other is just through a mutual appreciation of one another or one another’s craft or art form and through that I just started building a little bit of the world I wanted to see and exist in, especially after COVID,” Maynard expressed. “I’m so honored that everybody is coming together and that we’ve been given this opportunity to do something so special.”

Buy tickets for Regenerative Rave here and stay tuned for more HOLE-hosted events in the future.

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