The East River Ferry Stop at the India Street Pier is now closed, following a surprise announcement from the NYC Ferry on the evening of Sunday, May 23 evening.

“Service Alert – Greenpoint Landing Closure: The Greenpoint ferry landing is temporarily closed until further notice. During this time, all ferry service on the East River route will bypass the Greenpoint landing in both directions,” The NYC Ferry. No plans to reopen the ferry stop in the near future were announced until early June.

Now, we know that a damaged berth was the reason for the closure, and the pier’s private owners, Lendlease, will have to repair the pier. The Economic Development Corporation, which manages New York’s waterfront transit systems, predicts this repair will take months.

“The safety of ferry commuters and the long-term sustainability of the pier is of the utmost importance; therefore, Lendlease determined that all four piles need to be replaced,” EDC said in a statement. “Lendlease is working toward repairs to rebuild the landing and ensure the replacement is safe and resilient. They anticipate the landing will be out of service, at a minimum, for several months.”

A free shuttle bus was available between Greenpoint and Hunters Point South, running every 40 minutes in both directions, similar to the typical ferry schedule, but due to low ridership, the NYC Ferry is discontinuing this commute pattern on Wednesday, June 9.

Greenpoint is the third ferry stop currently closed along the Brooklyn stretch of the East River, with South Williamsburg and DUMBO still closed for construction, which is expected to be completed sometime this summer.

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  1. If ever a protest was needed, this is the time to react to this terrible news.
    Who is responsible, and for what reason is the India Street ferry stop being closed? We must have an answer, as well a date for the reopening. Greenpoint is always getting the short end of the stick, and they are sticking it to us again just as we are beginning to get out and about!

  2. Every time friends or family use this station, it seems like you are walking to Manhattan since to get to it, it is so far ie long pier and long adjunct street. It is very difficult for anybody who is walking impaired or a senior.

    Only the young commuters in the hi risers nearby will be troubled by this and the occasion tourist.

    1. Many people rely on this ferry stop for daily commutes throughout North Greenpoint. Hundreds of people will be impacted daily. What sort of nonsense comment is this? You are going out of your way to find a reason not to care about your community.

    2. Thanks for your condescension. I’m a working class girl who doesn’t live that close to the water (closer to McGuiness) and I’ve been relying on this ferry daily to get to work. It’s been much safer than the subway and doesn’t require transfers. Rich people and tourists are NOT the only ones affected by this.

  3. I am 78 years old and live on India St. east of Manhattan Ave. I am also physically impaired. However, I find it very beneficial to walk, even in the winter, rather than take the overcrowded G train. I feel like I’ve taken a sea voyage. I also meet very interesting people, which I never do on the subway. This ferry was long overdue, and that is due to the decline in the quality of life in New York.

  4. One of the easiest forms of travel is the Ferry.
    Its a shame that the ferry stops on 92nd and the East River Drive, but does not stop on 107st and 125st, nor does it stop anywhere along the Harlem River Drive.
    Just who is really responsible for all of this?
    With all of the high rises, and horrible rents for a place that you will never own, the taxpaying public should be living on the water.
    The trains are just horrible, as well as there never is a public bathroom to use.

    I would rather take the ferry every where but it does not even stop .5 mile from my home in Brooklyn.
    I sometimes watch the half full ferries, taking people to and from the beaches, past Coney Island.

  5. No reason just shut it down? That’s BS. And this comment by Paul.
    So sorry that you must walk so so far (2-3 minute from one end to the other) to enjoy such a beautiful ride on the water instead of going down into a rat hole train station, waiting for a delayed train, and then getting on the hot dirty not so safe anymore train. Pathetic!

    1. Thank you for your reply. Let’s revisit this post in ten, twenty+ yrs. when you are with a walker, out of breath, using a cane or easily get lost and see if you have changed your mind.

  6. I saw a crane and large boat at the ferry dock today. Hoping it’s just quick repairs, fingers crossed

  7. I am moving to Greenpoint . The ferry to Manhattan is a plus . Mobility disabled . Yes the walk to the ferry is difficult at best for me.
    Riding the SUBWAY is
    out of the question and unsafe ESPECIALLY FOR DISABLED SENIORS.
    Isn’t the general public at least entitled to know WHY ?

  8. I went to the pier yesterday to see about the pylon, but was astonished to see that the entire gangway that let us to the boats was completely gone, as if it never existed. I took pictures, but I see no way of posting the pictures here, too bad!

  9. I love the idea of the Ferry, but it just costs the city way too much. I think the subsidy is about 75% or more of the cost per trip. Money much better spent on improving subway service.

  10. HI Paul
    If this is the case for you now then I will give you my advice since I have been in that type of situation. Plan better to get where you have to go and how you will get there. It’s even more pathetic now that your “inconvenience” should be everybody’s inconvenience.
    The ferry service loss is a terrible loss for our community.

    1. I never said they should take the pier down. I am just saying many (not all seniors) have to take a bus or subway due to the long walk to get to that ferry. That is all I’m saying. They have no other choice. I am not one of them since I am a senior in good shape but many seniors I know cannot take it.

  11. The ferry’s a very pleasurable means of travel but each and every passenger trip costs the city over $10.75 in subsidies. ON TOP OF YOUR FARE. That’s per person. Paring down the number of ferry stops is the only way to stop the budget hemorrhaging. The only reason the ferry system even exists was DiBlasio’s treat to waterfront developers.

  12. Lendlease is the owner developer of the site going up at the pier- we all know that if /when their project is developed (occupancy maybe 2024) that pier will be working. All that new development and the new residents are moving there because of the ferry. The people living in “the Greenpoint” tower should organize on this. Clearly Lendlease is already not a good neighbor – it should be a priority to fix it if they truly care about the community where they Are going put 1,000 new residents. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

  13. What the heck?!?!? I just moved (back) to Greenpoint last November, and was thrilled to see this alternative method of commuting added to the neighborhood since I last lived here (in 93-94). Makes no sense that there is no re open date for the Greenpoint depot!!! Greenpoint should be up in arms and protesting BIG TIME. Especially since the article also states that DUMBO and Williamsburg stops are now also closed. What is going on around here, exactly? Just when the waterfront is starting to be developed as a welcoming destination for all, you take away this form of transportation? Can you say bad management decision? Who exactly is responsible for the current state of ferry transportation in Brooklyn, anyway?

    I moved here after 26 wonderful years in San Francisco, however that lovely albeit dysfunctional city has never been able to manage itself out of a paper bag. NYC, you can surely do better than this! Ugh.

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