Following much anticipation, North Brooklyn’s newest public space has finally opened! As of Thursday, May 27 Under The K Bridge Park now offers pedestrian and bike paths, as well as outdoor gathering space on land formerly used by the old Kosciuszko Bridge.

Now, almost seven acres beneath the new Kosciuszko Bridge are accessible to all, with the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance operating and maintaining New York’s newest park. Canadian landscape architecture firm Public Work, wich also designed The Bentway, a similar park underneath Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway, designed this unique public space.

“The 50th assembly district has long been starved for open space,” said Assembly Member Emily Gallagher in a statement. “To have a beautiful park at the water’s edge under the fantastic Kosciusko Bridge is a much needed respite, especially for those in the northern parts of our district.”

“This park is a much needed gift to the community after so many months of having to stay indoors and I commend the Governor’s team for their hard work to make it possible,” said District 33’s City Council Member Stephen Levin. “Recreational spaces are fundamental for the development of children and for our collective well-being and I look forward to seeing the community once again come together in this new and exciting public area.”

A new Instagram account for the Park, @UnderTheK will provide community updates and share happenings in the park.

Under The K Bridge Park will be open from dusk to dawn, daily.

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  1. Where are the seats especially for seniors. Don’t see any in the video. Also, any bathrooms?

  2. In the Early 70’s my friends and I would play all around the Kosciciuszko Bridge and all the surrounding Factory streets. We would climb roofs, dodge stray dogs on our bikes and spend all day exploring the Nasty banks of the Newtown Creek. This was our playground.It’s very nice that all these Parks and other projects are being built in Greenpoint. Too bad most working class and poor people can’t afford to live there anymore. But enjoy your Bike paths. I’ll enjoy my memories of old Greenpoint. Peace!

  3. Connect this park to the Brooklyn Greenway! We need to extend protected bike lanes for residents of East Greenpoint and rid ourselves of the monstrosity that is McGuinness Blvd!

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