Whether you’re a local parent or a way hip aunt/uncle (or whatever title you prefer), there’s a bunch of local, fun, and creative classes for Greenpoint kidlets to explore. Check out some of our picks below. Get learning, crafting, or exploring.
1. Brooklyn Craft Company. Is there a craft kiddo in your life? Well, look no further than Brooklyn Craft Company’s ballin’ after school program. All kids benefit from hands-on engagement and tactile, experiential learning. So, sign your sprog up for a sewing or fiber art class. Who knows, they’ll put a bird on something in no time.
Prices start at $495 for a ten week course. (Bonus: This class series can include an after school pick up for busy parents!)
2. Teacup Music. Music education is something sorely looked over in our contemporary school system and it’s an artistic outlet that has one of the most profound effects on kids. With Concetta at Teacup Music, kids can learn the art of the violin and gain priceless life skills.
The class costs $660 a semester (12 sessions) and includes a recital and instrument rental. Pick up on Wednesdays from PS 110 is also available.
3. Fairy School. Every kid benefits from having more magic and joy in their life. Children will learn and engage with a “curriculum of healing arts, creative play, and studies in ecological awareness.” That sounds pretty damn neat to me. If anything, I’d love to enroll in fairy school for myself. Adults need magic, too.
A full 9 week term costs $360 (plus $20 supply/snack fee). Fairy School will return in Spring 2019.