Bring Your Own Baby

When you’ve got a little one, it can be tough enough to wrangle some fun time outside of the house, let alone find grown up activities where bringing your noisy baby won’t annoy the crap out of everyone around you. For moms and dads who are looking to have a little fun with their kid in tow, Edamama (568 Union Ave) is hosting a baby friendly comedy show for adults this Thursday June 21st at 1030am. Tickets are $12, more info here and below!

Parents: can’t find a babysitter? Can’t stay up late enough to catch an evening comedy show? Just grab a coffee and a baby (your own) and show up for a hilarious comedy show performed by NYC’s funniest & hottest comics. Crying babies? No problem. Breastfeed in the middle of a punchline? Please go ahead. Baby hecklers coming on stage? Sure! We promise you laughs, no judgement and by the time we are done, your babies will be ready for their naps! Featuring an all-star line up: Thomas F. RayKyle Ocasio (Red Eye, Fox News) Vicky Kuperman (Performed for the Troops) and Julie Kottakis (Madge the Vag – Scary Mommy).


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