Are you a dog lover? Do you also dig on self-care, wellness, and mindful practices? Well, here’s a great event for you and your best pooch. Tomorrow (2/18), PS 9 Pets  (169 North 9th Street) is hosting a reiki share and guided meditation for you and your furry friends. With the healing and impactful practice of reiki and the calming, clarity of meditation, you and and your dog can experience a mindful, deep, and restful journey together.

New to reiki and meditation? No worries, beginners are welcome. A $20 suggested donation gets you into the event and sets you up for a successful and peaceful practice for you and the pup in your life. Folks, space is limited, so RSVP with Esther at [email protected].

February 18th, 6-8 pm
PS 9 Pets
169 North 9th Street

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