The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival

Do you like things that scream and go bump-in-the-night? Whether you’re a ghost hunting supernatural enthusiast or a slasher flick connoisseur, The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival is for you and they’re opening their film submission call for 2018. So, if you’re a creator or just a filmmaker, this film festival is definitely up your alley.

The festival is eight days this year, from October 11-18. With more days on the calendar, the festival plans to screen even more bone chilling features and shorts this year. Currently, submissions are open now with a first submission deadline of January 20th and a final deadline of August 13, 2018.

What more do you need to know? The festival is also partner with the much beloved North Brooklyn cinema, Nitehawk, for primary screenings. Plus, the festival will be expanding its HEAD TRIP program, which spotlights films that “push boundaries and expectations of the horror genre.” HEAD TRIP will also be accepting film submissions that mix genres such as sci-fi, fantasy, documentary, and drama.

Want more inspiration and info on the festival? Check out our write up of the fun and scare-filled film fest from last year.

Submit to The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival here.

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