Compost at the McGolrick Park farmer's market
A gorgeous pile of compost.

Neighbors Allied For Good Growth (NAG), in cooperation with Brooklyn Allied Bars and Restaurants (BABAR) and Common Ground Compost (CGC), is helping Greenpoint’s restaurants get more eco-friendly by working with them on waste management and audits, and launching a reusable takeout container program. And NAG sees the potential. Via their site: “Greenpoint can be the first neighborhood in New York City to tackle the restaurant industry’s waste issues from the ground up! If our whole neighborhood works together on this project, we can divert approximately 452,600 pounds of waste from restaurants and bars in Greenpoint per year.”

To start, NAG interviewed 15 different Greenpoint-based establishments about sustainability. The result: a brochure and workshop to educate the local food industry. Their next step is to source a hauling company that can pick up waste, including compost, from six restaurants (whose waste was audited and monitored by CGC), at a group discounted cost, to redirect waste from landfills.

If you’re interested in learning more about their green Greenpoint efforts, check out NAG’s table at our Greenpointers Spring Market this Sunday (4/9) at the Greenpoint Loft, from 1-7pm.

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