There’s something about me I haven’t really shared with anyone: I love it when people, places, and things magically sync up. Maybe it’s seeing a certain number or time everyday (11:11, anyone?), or dreaming about a long-lost friend or lover and out of the blue, they contact you. That’s synchronicity.

And, it felt even more synchronous when I was referred by a friend to Virginia Mason, an intuitive counselor. Virginia honors human experience and the uncertainty of life with many tools – reiki, astrology, tarot, yoga, and more.

Want to know the key behind intuitive counseling and how this Greenpoint gal is making huge waves in our neighborhood? I spent a lovely afternoon with Virginia to talk about all things mystical and tangible and got to experience some reiki firsthand. Read more to find out.

Fleeting Connections isn’t about waving a proverbial magic wand and everything falls into place. Virginia provides the tools for people to explore their own journey and experiences to drawn from. In Virginia’s multi-faceted tool kit are reiki, astrology, tarot, crystals, mantra, and yoga. All of these services are tailored to each and every individual. It’s all about connecting you to your truth and your own self.

So for those new to this type of wellness, what is reiki? And, how do tarot and astrology fit into a yoga practice? Reiki is a technique that channels energy by way of touch. “Reiki is like dancing – just let it flow,” says Virginia. And, I agree. If you’re approaching a reiki treatment for the first time, just let it happen – it’s energy and it’s the way things are. Virginia incorporates reiki into her practice to take whatever limitations and perspectives we have and simply lets them drop away.

Virginia has such a vibrant, bright, and vivacious energy surrounding her. I wanted to know more and how does this touch therapy connect with other astral elements in our lives? If we’re going to dance, what other steps are there? As a guide, Virginia takes her clients on a journey – but she’s not the teacher of your life path or experiences. That’s all on you, babe. And a tarot reading, yoga practice, or an astro chart is another tool on your energy road trip. And like any journey, you stop to stretch, rest, take a break, or pause and reflect. These are the other tools to help you get to another point (or revisit).

We’re all energetically connected, keeping your body and mind in a fluid kind of practice can drop the veil behind our preconceived notions and help us get to a higher truth. Yoga is another form of energy healing for us – it’s scientifically proven to help the body. And, if you’re not setting expectations for yourself, you’re just letting your body be and experience, why not add other treatments to that experience? Virginia points out that adding reiki onto this is a way for us to experience true energy healing.

Hearing Virginia talk and sharing our mutual experiences around energy, it was so insightful and eye opening. I felt very comfortable around Virginia and her practice space is ultra relaxing and inviting with low ambient music and a bright atmosphere for acceptance, light, and energy. I decided to try reiki myself – it wasn’t my first time but this experience seemed much more transformative than the first. Virginia’s energy, patience, and touch felt calming and I already felt quite serene. I tried not to let my mind race or anticipate how I would feel or react. I just let the dance happen. My muscles relaxed. I felt like I could see waves and bursts of colors. It was pleasing and not at all jarring, magnificent really. Even though this was a deeply personal experience for me, I felt like I began the pathway of moving energy around and letting things go. For the rest of the day, I felt rather blissed out and relaxed.

I’m ready to see what else comes out of the journey and what other tools I can develop from intuitive counseling. If you’re intrigued, book a session with Virginia or check out some of her upcoming events in Greenpoint at Help Your Self (168 Java Street).

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