This month, we have both a solar and a lunar eclipse–which means that all sorts of oppositions, conflicts, and confusions will arise. Just what you wanted right? Politically, it’s not so hard to see–and now the Jupiter-Uranus combination will keep the fire hot when it comes to these global conflicts.
That being said, some of these changes and transformations will be positive–and feel exactly like what you need.
Check out your March horoscope after the jump!
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Chiwan Choi’s “The Flood“
Since the Sun is flying through Pisces, which is your twelfth house of isolation until March 20, you’ll want to be alone–even relishing in your loneliness and depression. While this is a good time to be reflective, you also want to steer clear of pity parties about what you don’t have. Tie up loose ends with relationships and take part in activities that are cathartic for you. It’s going to be a rough emotional month.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Danez Smith’s “Black Movie“
Unlike last month, this month is all about your social life. The Sun will be going through Pisces, your eleventh house of group activity until March 20–which means you’ll be all about going and having fun. Schedule in casual group activities, like movie nights. Take a break from work and do you.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Thomas James’ “Letters to a Stranger“
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Lucie Brock-Broido’s “A Hunger“
Since the Sun is in Pisces, your worldly ninth house until March 20, you’ll be all about having new experiences–maybe even traveling. It’s also a time to start new projects and ventures. It’s time to take a risk.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Emily O’Neill’s “Pelican“
♌ LEO ♌
This month, you’re all about alone time as the Sun moves through Pisces, which is your eighth house of intimacy until March 20. You want to deepen your connections and find a partner with whom you can have fun. You also want to start saving money for the future.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Sherwin Bitsui’s “Flood Song“
The Sun is moving through Pisces, which is your seventh house of partnerships until March 20. This means you’ll have more balance in your relationships in general, and feel more grounded by those closest to you. Strengthen them and focus on these relationships.
Suggestion: Your book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Mathias Svalina’s “Destruction Myth“
Since the Sun is in Pisces until March 20, which is your sixth house of health, you’ll be focused on your body. Schedule doctor appointments, start a new work out routine, and start thinking of ways to introduce fruits and veggies into your diet. It’s also a good time to declutter your life, both physically and mentally.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Claudia Rankine’s “Citizen“
The Sun is moving through Pisces, your fifth house of romance and creativity until March 20, which means you are on fire. Everyone wants you and you can’t stop making art or working on a project. You’re oozing confidence which is attractive to everyone around you. This is a good time to start some creative collaborations.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Adrienne Rich’s “Diving into the Wreck“
Since the Sun is in Pisces, your domestic fourth house until March 20, you’re all about being at home and feeling comfortable. After a busy month, you need some down time, and Netflix and chill. It’s OK to take “me time.” Women are especially important to you this month, so catch up with the ladies that care about you.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Bethany Ball’s “What to Do About the Solomons“
The Sun is wafting through Pisces, your communicative third house until March 20, which means you’re all about communication this month. You’re also highly attune to people’s emotions around you, making you a supportive force for those close to you. You want to be social and productive at work this month, so make sure not to burn yourself out.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Anne Sexton’s “Transformations“
The Sun is in Pisces, your second house of work and daily routines, until March 20. This means you are all about attaining your work goals this month, but don’t forget to play just as hard as you work. Otherwise, you’ll start to feel boxed in.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Duncan Barlowe’s “The City, Awake“