February is all about change and unexpected news. Since Mars is in Aries until March 9, many people will have a lot of energy, which is really needed right now, considering the political climate. It’s the perfect time to protest, especially since the Sun visits politically engaged Aquarius until February 18.
We’re now in the lunar Year of the Rooster, which has astrologers believe that this is a sign of hope–so maybe not all is lost.
Check out your February horoscope after the jump!
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Robert Pinsky’s “Gulf Music”
The Sun fluttering through Aquarius until February 18, which is your eleventh house of collaborations. This means friendships will be deepening and you’ll be meeting all sorts of new people–these bonds will build you up personally and professionally. This is not a time to be reclusive or shy.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Kamau Brathwaite’s “Middle Passages”
This month is all about professional goals for you, as the Sun is moving through Aquarius, which is your tenth house of ambition. This means you should stop socializing just for the sake of it, and start planning for your future. It’s time to talk to mentors and other professionals who can give you real advice. You have a lot of dreams, but it’s possible to make them a reality.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Richard Brautigan’s “Trout Fishing in America”
Since the Sun is in Aquarius, your ninth house of risk-taking and travel until February 18, you’ll be in a wanderlust mood. You need more spontaneity in your life, and this is the time to start anew, whether it means a short vacation, looking for a new job, or leaving a relationship that isn’t working for you. It’s not time to be comfortable, it’s time to change your life in order to become who you are meant to be.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Danniel Schoonebeek’s “Trebuchet”
The Sun is moving through Aquarius, your eighth house of intimacy and privacy, which means you’re longing for a deep relationship. Instead of just showing up at social events, make one-on-one plans with someone you care about. It’s important to actually have close bonds, not just a bunch of acquaintances you hang out with–it’s important for you to dig deeper within yourself, and let your guard down.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Michael Robbins’ “Alien vs. Predator”
♌ LEO ♌
You’re a little lonely this month, and it’s getting you down. The Sun, which is your planet, is flying through your house of intimacy this month. Until February 18, the Sun is in Aquarius, your seventh house of committed partnerships–so this is a good time to get serious about someone, romantically and professionally. It’s time for you to collaborate with someone in a real way that challenges you, not just fulfills a need. Speak up for yourself, find out what you want and who you want to be.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Amy Lawless’ “My Dead”
It’s time for you to really sit down and come up with a way to be healthier, both emotionally and physically. While you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, it’s time to stop making excuses for yourself. The Sun is now in your sixth house of health and organization, meaning it’s time to eat better, get in a routine, start being emotionally honest with yourself and others, and evaluate the parts of your life that aren’t working.
Suggestion: Your book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Janice Lee’s “Damnation”
Since the Sun makes is making its yearly trip through Aquarius until February 18, you’re bound to be in a very romantic month, as it travels through your fifth house of passion and creativity, which makes you feel capable of being more honest and vulnerable with those around you. It’s a good look.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Claudia Rankine’s “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric”
Since the Sun is moving through Aquarius, your domestic zone until February 18, it’s time for you to become more introspective. It’s not a time for you to be social with random people, but really make time for those closest to you. What do you want for your future? How can you get it now? You’re especially busy with social justice and work issues, so it’s necessary for you to balance that with some Netflix and chill, if you know what I mean.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Lucas Hunt’s “Iowa”
The Sun is in Aquarius, your communicative third house until February 18, which means you’re extra social this month. It’s a time to accept all of the invitations you get invited to, and really connect with those around you. You’ve felt a little sad and introspective lately, so this is the medicine you need right now. Mars will be energizing your passionate fifth house, so your connections with others will be deep.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Jay Besemer’s “Chelate”
Since the Sun is sailing through Aquarius, your second house of finance and security until February 18, it’s time for you to really focus on your home life. Maybe you’ve been spending a lot of money lately, but it’s time to think about ways to save money and make your domestic life easier. Planning and organizing are two things you’re good at, so use this to your advantage.
Suggestion: Your poetry book suggestion from WORD Brooklyn (126 Franklin Street): Tommy Pico’s “IRL”