Kingsland Wildflowers Rooftop
Kingsland Wildflowers Rooftop

If you didn’t get a chance to visit the beautiful Kingsland Wildflower Rooftop Festival last weekend, this Saturday October 8th starting at 5PM, is another opportunity to check out Greenpoint’s newest green addition. Visitors will explore the newly installed roofs, enjoy light refreshments, and talk to green roof experts. Renowned environmental journalist Michael McCarthy will do a talk followed by a book signing for his published work “The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy.”

mothsnowstormbook_michaelmccarthyEvent Details
When: Saturday, October 8th, 2016
Where: Kingsland Wildfloweres Roof and Community Space (520 Kingsland Ave, Brooklyn 11222)

6:00–6:45PM: Renowned UK environmental journalist Michael McCarthy on “NATURE AND JOY: A NEW DEFENSE OF THE NATURAL WORLD”
6:45–7:30pm: Q&A and book signing of “The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy

More about Michael McCarthy: The natural world has never been more threatened, from the chainsawing of the rainforests to the gross pollution of the oceans, but our main defenses of nature may not be adequate to protect it in the 21st century, argues Michael McCarthy in his new book, The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy. Instead, he says, we should start to bring to nature’s defense the very love we have for it and that our bond with nature, the bond discovered recently by evolutionary biology, that bond of fifty thousand generations, is at the heart of what it means to be human.


About the project
Kingsland Wildflowers is a Greenpoint community project committed to expanding natural habitat and green corridors native to the New York City landscape. The vision, conceived through partnerships between property owner, Broadway Stages, wildlife experts at New York City Audubon, Greenpoint local landscaping company, Alive Structures and our friends at Newtown Creek Alliance will provide the neighborhood with living and growing infrastructure to support native New York City wildlife. The project also has a specific focus on developing educational programming in the space related to sustainable conservation practices and wildlife protection.

Visit for more info!

gcef_logo_100pxFunding provided by the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation through the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund.

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