There’s a lot going on in September, so read up. There are two significant eclipses this month. On September 1, there’s a solar eclipse in Virgo, which is heralding a fresh, monumental start. Then, on September 16, the second eclipse comes in at the Pisces full moon, which signals introspection and carving out alone time.
There’s also a Mercury Retrograde from August 30 to September 21—which means there will be many miscommunications, confusions, and people coming out of the woodwork. Don’t fret, a retrograde simply causes you to re-evaluate what is working for you, and simply what isn’t—so you’ll come out stronger than before.
Because of the two eclipses, you are undergoing some major health changes—or routines that you’ve been keeping for yourself. For instance, this month, the solar eclipse revs you up to take charge of your health (joining a Zumba class, learning to ride a bike, meditating more, etc) in ways that will make you calmer and happier. The lunar eclipse, however, wants you to balance it with enjoyment. You want a new beginning in general, and a way to do that is through your hobbies and passions. If you can’t just get away and travel somewhere, think of smaller things you can do, like joining a painting class. This change may cause you to get in fights with a friend or partner, so you may need to recalibrate your needs. Don’t stay in a relationship, friendship, or job just because it’s comfortable. That being said, just because there are problems doesn’t mean you should run away—it’s more about open communication.
Suggestion: Take a class at Barre Pilates Studio on Franklin St.
This month, your romantic life is taking a turn for the better. The solar eclipse is bringing in passion and fun—with someone new. You are excited since you’ve been yearning about this for awhile. The retrograde, however, does make it necessary for you to be careful about how you word things—you should especially be careful with your money, since you may be apt to overspend when you are out and about. You are expanding your psyche this month and because of that, feel more alive than ever.
Suggestion: Go on a date for some vegan pizza at Screamer’s.
The first eclipse is causing some changes and possible tension when it comes to your home life. Maybe you are having a hard time with a roommate, partner, or your family—either way, you are starting to feel constrained. The retrograde may also cause a physical disruption, like a flood, electrical problem—or even, a roach or mice problem. Be vigilant about this, before it becomes a havoc. Also, be true to your needs. The lunar eclipse will focus in your professional affairs—in general, you are up for a promotion and/or raise, but the retrograde may indicate that you have to inquire about it. It may also be delayed and not happen when you want it to.
Suggestion: Get a smooth whiskey at Duke’s Liquor Box.
The times they are a changin’ and you are not exactly happy about this. You love security and stability, and this month is not that. Professionally, it looks like a project you’ve been working on is full steam ahead—which is exciting, but also stressful because it requires a lot of work. Because of the retrograde, however, there may be some hidden setbacks. These are not permanent, but could discourage you. Instead of being upset, reach out to friends and colleagues for support. Get drinks with a friend you haven’t seen in awhile. Retrogrades are good times for that.
Suggestion: Check out the open galleries in the Greenpoint Terminal Market.
This month is a professional roller coaster for you. On one hand, you may be feeling a little unsure of your current job—whether it’s because you’ve gotten a lot more responsibility or crave a raise or change. Either way, the solar eclipse makes you ready for this change. This could mean you could get an offer, a raise, or some positive news on the job front. However, the retrograde also means you should conserve your money, while also continuing to work hard. While you may get unexpected good news, always prepare for the worst. This month requires you to be patient, which is not your favorite thing in the world, but it will be so worth it.
Suggestion: Go to St. Vitus for the Kill ‘Em All Karaoke on Fridays/Saturdays.
This month is a time for you to observe, not be part of the action. Because of the retrograde, you shouldn’t make any major decisions or choices—especially at work. If you have to, reread all the details in a contract or new offer—otherwise, you may miss some details. The eclipses are causing you to redefine who you are and what you want. Because of this, you feel like you’re in a moment of transition—which you are. These moments are not always easy, especially if they require you to leave a job or a relationship. You crave stability and yet also want change, which is at odds with your job and relationships right now.
Suggestion: Get yourself some kombucha drinks at Magick City.
This month brings a culmination of wonderful things for you—all things you’ve been working on for awhile—both professional and personal. The eclipses this month are allowing you to balance your view of relationships and alone time—you crave having a partner, but perhaps in that past, your partners weren’t people who could truly support you. You’ve finally hit a balance this month, whether you’ve been seeing someone good for you, or are happy just having alone time. The lunar eclipse falls in your seventh house of partnerships in Pisces, which may bond you closer to someone intimately and professionally.
Professionally and socially, you’re everywhere—but beware, you don’t want your ambitions to overtake you. Hence, balance. The retrograde may make you feel burned out, so it’s a good time to schedule in extra relaxation days. Miscommunications are bound to happen, which will build up tension within your relationships with others, so strike that balance between being honest and tactful.
Suggestion: Check out Catland Books.
This year has been a bit hard for you—there’s been a lot of changes and tension. But this month should brighten that up for you—you feel a bout of energy and excitement—possibly because you are on working on a project you’re enjoying right now. You feel energized with your passions—and your work life as well. You may receive good news this month, although the retrograde can make positive changes feel delayed. You may also feel tired, which will prompt you to make lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise—but also emotional. Perhaps you spend too much time on your phone, and now you’re realizing it stresses you out.
Suggestion: Go out to Archestreus Books for food and books, the best combo.
This is not going to be an easy month for you, I’m sorry to say. You will be dealing with a major life change, whether it’s the loss of a friend, relationship, or a job restructuring. You’re taking it harder than you thought you would, and because of that, it’s affecting your mental and physical health. It’s OK to recharge, to take me time, to take a trip by yourself. The retrograde doesn’t help either, as it means there will be delays with interviews, friends, and communication. Take a breather and be patient. Be careful about accepting new jobs offers as well, since it may not be the new change you want. The lunar eclipse will mostly affect your love life, but not in a way you’d expect. It’s not necessarily bad—either a pregnant, engagement, or other commitment—but either way, it will happen.
Suggestion: Buy tickets for a show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg.
This month is going to be mixed for you—with many ups and downs. On one hand, your ambition for your goals is through the roof. Which is great, except the retrograde may not give you everything you want when you want it. It will all come, but in due time. This is especially true with your job. When it comes to your relationships, you may feel confused—as if you’re unsure of the big picture, which is usually not a huge problem for you. The solar eclipse is begging for you to change-especially when it comes to a professional ambition for you. This change will be positive, but you won’t have much time to think it over. Neptune is also in your fourth house of partnerships, making you rethink what you want in your partner—this will definitely be a stress for you, which means you need to take time for self-care.
Suggestion: Get a fancy cocktail over at Troost.
This is your month. You feel so optimistic about your future, it’s almost contagious. You’ve been hit with a bad case of wanderlust though, which can be inconvenient considering you have a job and other responsibilities. Either way, you are in a transition of personal growth right now, so if you can’t get away, take a class—start writing, publish, etc. On the other hand, the retrograde will make you feel confused about what you want, except that you want a change, to feel energized. Don’t make any major choices right now, since you’re not thinking as clearly as you could be. Despite that, though, the lunar eclipse brings some much needed positivity—and may make you adventurous when it comes to your career—and your personal relationships with your family. Perhaps you’ve had a strained relationship with a parent—now is the time to restore it.
Suggestion: See a friend at Ash Box Café for some tea.
The retrograde is about to get intense for you, because an ex, or other significant person in your life, is about to come back. This relationship ended on an emotional note, so it won’t be easy. You may be dealing with some trust issues both at work and at home, so it’s a time to reflect on why you feel this way. You may feel as if you’ve been taken for granted lately—it’s a good time to communicate that, but sensitively. You also feel burned out at work—having perhaps taken on too much responsibility or not being able to communicate your own needs well.
Suggestion: Eat some awesome pierogis at Christina’s.