It’s no secret: it’s hot in the city. But, Mombucha’s Ice Pops are a delicious treat in the humid, oppressive heat. Try one on for size at Magick City, which you’ll find in this cafĂ© tucked away on Box Street.

If you’ve never had kombucha, the fermented tea that’s sold in many Brooklyn bodegas, it’s worth giving a try especially if you’re flavor adventurous and into the alterna-health craze. Some call it an acquired taste—it’s slightly effervescent, occasionally smelly, and often a bit tangy. And in rare instances, there’s slimy goo floating in it (don’t worry, that part—the “mother”—it’s good for you!). But, the gross-out factor totally depends on what brand you try.

Mombucha, handmade right here in Greenpoint at Magick City (37 Box Street), is a brand of powerful and seriously delicious kombuchas. Gingermint, Silver Turmeric, Gold Turmeric, and Black Coco are their signature flavors. And yes, they’re all super yummy.

Rich Awn, the owner of Magick City and maker of Mombucha, has recently been trying his hand at making kombucha popsicles. And they’re sweeter and tastier than you might expect. He uses a flash-freezer that gets the pops to the perfect frozen solid consistency in 10 minutes. Our favorite flavor was definitely the Gingermint: sweet, tart, and minty with a little kick from the ginger. Like a spicy lemonade popsicle. It was like heaven in the middle of a super muggy day.

Head to Magick City this summer to cool down with kombucha pops before they stop selling them at the end of the summer season. Also, you should check out Magick City anyway—by day it’s a café, and by night you can find a range of events from film screenings to dinner parties to DJ dance affairs in the occasional garden. So if you want to be really in the know, stop by before everyone else finds out about it.

Magick City | 37 Box Street

Reporting and photography by Megan Penmann and Stephanie Valente.

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