It’s a shame it’s supposed to be muggy with some thunder this weekend, because Fire Island and Jones Beach have some fine shows.
But I’ve got an option much closer to home that will bring you to the tropics with the chance to duck into a subway home if the skies unleash their fury.
And for our local patio and roof show recommendations, no train is needed.
Finally, Sunday afternoon you can escape the muggy weather at Good Room with a long-play of Daft Punk‘s Discovery album accompanied by a screening of Interstella 5555.

Discovery was Daft Punk’s second studio album, that saw them departing from the Chicago house style towards a storytelling style. Thomas Bangalter says it was their way of “saying to the electronic kids, ‘Rock is cool, you know? You can like that.'”
The Good Room hauls out a custom rig setup for the Classic Album series events. The show starts at 4 PM Sunday.
For singing from the rooftops and sunning on a patio, I’d go to Tiki Disco on Output’s roof this Saturday at 2 PM, or the last Summer Thunder show at Union Pool with Boss Hogg headlining, also starting Saturday at 2. Or both: They are only about a 10-minute walk apart from each other.
Here’s a preview for those shows:
For those of you with the gumption to travel to distant shores this weekend, the performers to catch are A-Trak playing at Flynn’s Fire Island in Ocean Beach at 2 PM on Saturday, and Blink-182 at the beautiful sunset-owning stage at Jones Beach on Saturday at 7 PM.
But I’m a sucker for the Dominican Day Parade, which goes up 6th Ave. on Sunday starting at noon. Luis Vargas will be performing on the Daily News float.
What I like to do is get to the end of the parade route, on 52nd Street, around 1:30 PM when the first floats arrive, then walk my way down to the start. It cuts out a lot of waiting, and then you get to see the entire crowd.
Then if it rains, just pop down to the 53rd and 5th train station for the E or M to the G at Court Square, or the 5th Ave/42nd Street station for the 7 to the G home. All those lines have normal service this weekend.