Greenpoint Clean Up Day

Greenpoint is a busy neighborhood where local residents coexist right next to or sometimes right on top of industry—and often that means we have special needs for trash pick-up and recycling. Greenpoint Clean Up Day, in partnership with Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce and Neighbors Allied for Good Growth, has been around for the past year and is funded with GCEF money to help the community band together and clean up our streets to make Greenpoint a healthier place to live, work and play. This Saturday is the last Clean Up day for the year, so get out there and pitch in!

Recycling cats!As always, volunteers will receive a *free* lunch for their time and effort. They’re also giving away *free* schwag:  Curb Your Litter tote bags and GreeNYC water bottles.

WHEN  Saturday, July 30
10am – 1pm: Clean up
1 – 2pm: Lunch

WHERE  Java Studios (252 Java Street)

RSVP so they can get a headcount for lunch!

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