“It’s lucky for me I have a friend / Who’s soul can usually transcend / The way we all nervously defend / The things we think we know / So I step into the boxing ring / It’s Gandhi vs. Comfortable Living / And all of a sudden I start to sing my new favorite mantra / Do it because you Love it, and for no other reason.” Lesley Kernochan’s full-bodied lyrics and whippy hooks in “My Giant Jar” is just one example of the funky grooves from her sophomore album The Pickle Jar.
On Sunday, March 13 at 10pm, she shares the bill with Amelia Robinson at Pete’s Candy Store (709 Lorimer St.). “I met Amelia right when I moved to NYC and I’ve had a friend crush on her ever since. We are delighted to keep jumping into fresh musical ideas together,” says the guitar picking Kernochan about ukulele strumming Robinson on her Daylight Saving Show Facebook page. I asked them some questions about their music and the upcoming show.

GP: What do you wish people would ask you about your music?
Amelia: Where can I buy it? Haha jk but not really.
I guess more about the process because I’d want people to know that art doesn’t happen over night, but through a series of experiences. Even improvisation is a result of one’s current state of mind and that’s kind of fascinating to dissect.
GP: What subjects are most interesting for you to write about?
Amelia: Love, feelings, emotions, existential concepts which are really hard to grasp, nature, frustrations, real life experiences.
Lesley: I am most interested in writing about things that surprise me. That take me into unknown territory.
GP: When and how did you get your first ukulele?
Amelia: Oh man 2005 maybe? A friend gave it to me cuz he thought I’d love it (he was right!!). He took me to see the ukulele cabaret in Jimmy’s underground venue in the East Village and from there I was hooked.

GP: What is the story of your current ukulele?
Amelia: It’s a Flea limited edition with a world painted on it – I love it so much I bought two! It says “Uke can change the world” which is my daily mantra.
GP: What do you like about Pete’s Candy Store?
Amelia: I love the intimacy and the vibe they create. You know you’ll always see artists being honest and pushing themselves creatively there because the venue demands it. I also love the red and the lights that frame the stage – it so pretty!
Lesley: I LOVE the caboose and big actor dress rehearsal lights framing the stage. I love the small intimate vibe and neighborhood feel.
GP: What will you be sharing with us at on Sunday night?
Amelia: New songs for grown ups!! There’s a bit about recent romantic quests, family drama, and even a part where audience helps me make a very important life decision! I’ve also been playing a lot more keyboards so you’ll be hearing the result of that rather than my usual uke stuff.
Lesley: I will be sharing myself just as I am. I never know what’s going to come out when it’s time to write a song. They come in all shapes and colors, from hot pink tiger to midnight blue puzzles.
I’ll be playing acoustic and electric guitar and keys…and the musical saw.
GP: Where did you record your albums?
Amelia: I recorded my first grown up album, The Space Between, and my first kids album, Everyone Together Now, at Virtue and Vice Studios with Rocky Gallo [when it was in Greenpoint].
The Space Between comes out this spring!!!!!
GP: What projects are you working on right now?
Amelia: A new project inspired by our “hearts” to benefit cardiac research.
Lesley: I’m working on an album of songs right now that came out of a surprise love affair with country music thanks to the bar Skinny Dennis. It was very helpful in rejuvenating my spirit when I needed a personal rebooting.
GP: What music are you listening to right now?
Lesley: I am currently listening to Joanna Newsom, Sam Outlaw, James Taylor, Sam Hammerman, and Matre.
GP: How do you spend your time when you’re not playing music?
Amelia: I exercise and spend time with people I love. I travel a lot.
I try to soak in all the culture that the city has to offer. I smile at strangers a lot and try to create small connections with randoms.
Lesley: I love being in my body and outside. I spend a lot of time on my bike and I love the rush of biking around the city…with a helmet on. I’ve passed enough unconscious bikers with blood pouring out of their heads to choose helmet over my hair looking fluffy. Unless it’s a really gorgeous day and then I can’t always resist the desire for that perfect breeze to tickle my whole head.
Amelia Robinson and Lesley Kernochan play Pete’s Candy Store (709 Lorimer St.) on Sunday, March 13 at 11:00pm and 10:00pm respectively. Follow Robinson as electricuke on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow Kernochan on Facebook.