Jessica Matson believes in flowers. She’s the driving force behind Ruusu, a floral design and ceramics company in Greenpoint. Picture handmade ceramics, dreamy wreaths with folklore connections, and vivid flowers in delicate-but-not-dainty bunches. You can have that little piece of beauty in your own home, with florals and ceramics starting at $20. In conversation with Jessica, I discovered the beauty of florals and her creative process all while being inspired by this entrepreneur taking North Brooklyn by storm.

GP: What inspired you to start your floral & ceramics business? What were you doing before?

Ruusu Floral & Design

GP: What is your creative process like?

Jessica: The creative process always starts with a good cup of coffee and some Duke Ellington on the record player.

I also love photography. For me it’s the starting point of a process that can lead to so many different places. It’s sort of like a visual notebook – I take a lot of photos of things that move me or demand my presence, like a texture, light pattern, or color scheme. Those images stick in my mind and I’ll unconsciously or consciously reference them for a project.

GP: Do you have any favorite floral and ceramic pairings?

Jessica: I think when ceramics and plants compete for attention and it can be very distracting – take a vessel with a powerful pattern and  plants or flowers flowers that are similarly flamboyant. Like this, for example.  I love a simple ceramic piece that allows the flowers be the showcase, or use a humble arrangement in a bold ceramic piece. But I have a whole Pinterest board called Planter Porn that has some of my favorites.

Ruusu Floral & Design, Planter $40


GP: What are your goals for the future?

Jessica: I am obsessed with the idea of alchemy – connecting two things to form something close to perfection. I am bringing that idea into a new project called Green & Ground that combines botanicals with coffee. It will have a subscription delivery service with flower arrangements and coffee bean pairings, event services, installations, and a magazine. All about plants, flowers, and coffee!

GP: What inspires you?

Jessica: I’m inspired by the simplistic beauty and mystery of nature. I travel to Peaks Island, Maine a lot – you can’t beat the sensory combination from the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves, the cold feel of the water, sun on your skin, and the stunning nature surrounding you. Humans literally share genes with all living things, and I really feel this ‘oneness’ when surrounded by nature. I try to get this feeling across in everything I do.

GP: Describe your ideal day in Brooklyn.

Jessica: In the summer months it’s a cortado in McGorlick park, bike riding to the Botanic Garden with my boyfriend, followed by dinner at Glasserie. I also find time to work on my craft – it’s an important part of my day and it doesn’t feel complete without it.

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