Have you ever met my dog D? She is amazing and we found her at the Ridgewood Reservoir – an amazing place I highly recommend you visit.
This past weekend as we walked through wildflowers and watched swallows dive into the pond, we heard a sweet kitty cat cry. Mr. Gray, as we are calling him, was hunting for lizards (there are lizard there) but he wasn’t doing a great job. When we called back to him, he ran to us and we were immediately friends. This cat is amazing. And he is gorgeous: light gray with subtle stripes and golden eyes. A real stunner.
He was clearly not feral, but he was very hungry and on the skinny side. We couldn’t walk away from this magical animal and while I waited for Jon to get the cat carrier, Mr. Gray sat in my lap, purring and gently playing with me. Some animals are gifts – Mr. Gray is a gift. (Jon’s theory about all pets at the reservoir is that they were abducted by aliens, had their brains scrambled and return as perfect pets.) Mr. Gray is perfect.
We brought the handsome boy to the vet  and he was extremely calm in the car and friendly to the doctor. With no tags or microchip, it turned out that he is a young male neutered cat who has a recently healed surgery scar on his shoulder. He is feline leukemia and FIV negative and was given a flea bath. We can’t seem to find Mr. Gray’s owners and are seeking a new wonderful home for this incredible animal.
If this is your cat, please email me – editor (at) green pointers [dot] com. If you would like to adopt Mr. Gray – I am bringing him home from the vet tonight and you can come and see him anytime.
Please spread the word so we can help find Mr. Gray a home.