
Accepting responsibility is the first step to change. This is what Dishan Elise, owner of human@ease, teaches through her The BEST Plan program developed for individuals who want positive change in their health and well-being. However, they get more than they bargained for when they realize this change permeates throughout their families, communities, and even the planet.

“BEST” is an acronym for “Balance, Energy, Strength, and Tranquility”. It is a 12-week program that covers all aspects of health and well-being. This complete program provides the tools for radical transformation. You can see some real life examples here. The BEST Plan is designed to deal with past conditioning and emotional obstacles related to nutrition and to break the addiction to processed foods. Dishan says “Clients are educated on proper diet and exercise and we incorporate methods to strengthen and improve all systems of the body.”

Seeing how impactful the plan was for her members, whom she calls her “BESTies”, she decided the way to have the most positive impact on our planet was to bring The BEST Plan to everyone. She understood that she wasn’t the only fitness facility bringing positive change to people’s lives, but also knew that The BEST Plan was unique in that it covers everything a body needs. In reflecting on this, her idea for a comprehensive coaching platform was born which she calls BEST.everywhere.

BEST.everywhere will be a cloud-based platform that will contain all the fitness and wellness tools you need to have a healthy lifestyle. But the main feature of the platform will be the personal coaching tools where you can have virtual meetings with a personal coach who will help you form a healthy lifestyle. Basically, it’s their same signature BEST Plan in the comfort of your home.

Although you can do the 12 week BEST Plan through the BEST.everywhere platform, anybody will be able to use it for free to create their own fitness routines. In addition, any fitness facility, coach, health expert, or trainer will be able to use this for their own clients. “We want everyone to benefit from a platform like this and not be limited to any specific facility or coaching program.”, says Elise. “The more people we can get involved, the more positive impact it will have on the health of our planet”. The online platform will be ready to launch by March 2015, but you can start signing up for the program now through their campaign on the Indiegogo platform since it’s being offered as one of the perks.

Sponsored post courtesy of Human@Ease.

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