Warning: Graphic Content

A reader named Lacie wrote in this morning about a terrible incident that happened last evening after 6pm, under the BQE at Meeker Ave and Manhattan Ave. She saw a crowd of people surrounding a 50-60lb white and brown male neutered pit bull (no tags or microchip) that was believed to have been thrown from the above highway. He was lying on the cement bleeding from his mouth.

Lacie said that:

John, the first on the scene was driving under the bqe when the dog came down like a rag doll on the ground. He had clearly been tossed off. John picked the dog up and placed him on the sidewalk. We all gathered as locals ran to their apts to get water and towels.

There is a possibility the dog jumped or some other unknown accident occurred. I have omitted the photographs I received, due to the graphic and disturbing nature.

Another person on the scene Kristine said, “after countless calls to the police and 30 min, the cops arrived. They took an animal cruelty report and offered to take the dog to a “kill” shelter.”

Wanting to ensure the dog received proper care, Lacie, Kristine and John drove the dog, now called “Meeker,” to Verge Animal Hospital in Cobble Hill instead.  Kristine said that, “they administered pain meds, fluids, and he’s due for x-rays (I suspect there are broken ribs, possibly a punctured lung) and hopefully care that could lead to his adoption.

Assemblyman and local animal activist Joe Lentol’s office replied to the incident with the following statement:

The kindness of people is often underestimated, but as you can see when our fellow canines are in distress people do come to the rescue. While this certainly might be a heinous act, if in fact the dog was thrown from the vehicle, we can only hope that this is was an accident. I will be in contact with the 94th precinct to determine if any witnesses have come forward, and what the next steps of the investigation will be. My heart and prayers go out to this little fellow. We are pulling for you Meeker.

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  1. Is there a foster lined up for this guy after he’s feeling better? Kudos to the people who didn’t let him go to a kill shelter.

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