A reader found this adorable chihuahua and wrote:

“Me and my husband found a small chihuahua dog on Russell Street between Nassau and Norman. The dog is very sweet and is definitely a pet… We can’t hang on to her for long – we can’t have pets in our apartment (blah!) and we will probably need to bring her to a shelter soon. ”

Here is my contact info – Christine 646-206-9532

If anyone can foster this cute rescue (look at those ears!) so Christine can avoid taking her to a shelter that would rule!

Come on Greenpoint, let’s take care of our stray pups!


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  1. I saw this dog last week on Dupont Street/Franklin on my way to work and he definitely looked like a lost pet. I followed him down the street to try and get him, but he ran away. A man told me that he’s “the neighborhood dog” and that his owners let him out in the neighborhood to run around. If that’s true, it’s so shameful. The situation threw me off that morning.

    I’m so glad that someone has found him and he’s safe.

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