Denise founded Empire of the Dog to work with rescues and teach their owners how to tackle some of the unforeseen difficulties of adopting. Here, she’ll share her expert tips on dog-caring for Summer!

For more, check out the next Empire of the Dog workshop June 26th @ 7pm at Denise’s 415 Grand St. Studio.


Summer is fast upon us again, and with it comes some very real dangers for dogs. Be aware of the danger high heat and outdoor environments can hold for your dog. Follow this checklist to ensure summer safety for you and your dog!


* NEVER EVER leave your dog in a car unattended. The temperature inside can soar to 160 degrees in ten minutes. Even with the windows cracked-even in the shade!

*Know the signs of heatstroke-Drooling, bloodshot or reddened eyes, vomiting, lethargy, collapse.

* Offer additional water [at room temp-not cold] and be sure your dog has shade if you are spending time outside.

* Don’t shave your dog’s coat in an effort to cool him. When properly groomed, the coat insulates from the heat.

* Exercise your dog in the early morning or late evening on hot days. Beware of walking your dog on hot cement or asphalt, which may burn his paw pads. If possible [it might look weird!] have your dog wear booties to protect his feet on super hot cement.

* Some dogs require sunscreen on their noses and ear tips if they are spending any time outside.

* Check for dog safe sunscreens at your local pet store.


*Have you begun heartworm preventative, if you aren’t giving it year round? See your vet for a blood test and get your dog back on medication. The American Heartworm Society urges pet owners to use year round protection.

* Are your dog’s vaccinations current? Are the records readily accessible in case of an emergency?

* Is your dog a candidate for a Lyme Disease vaccination? Check with your vet and also look for a topical treatment that also repels ticks. Know the symptoms of a Lyme infection in your dog- lethargy, limping or stiffness [especially if intermittent] and often sudden onset of “crankiness” or even aggression.


*Are your dog’s identification tags up to date and legible? Is he micro chipped-and is it registered with your current information? Did you get your Dog License from the state. For NY dog licensing you can go HERE

* Is his collar secure? Romping dogs can pull out of loose collars, and collars can stretch with age too.

* Do you have a recent and clear photo of your dog in case he gets lost?

* If you leave windows in your apartment open, are they safely enclosed with secure bars or screens to prevent your dog from jumping through or wandering onto the ledge- like that dog did LAST year in Carroll Gardens?

*Leave your dog at home when you go to see fireworks. Most dogs are more alarmed by fireworks than awed -and if your dog gets startled, he could run off and get lost or become injured trying to flee from the noise.

* Never transport a dog in a truck bed, or open hatchback. For added safety you can purchase your dog a pair of DOGGLES to protect his eyes if you have a convertible or he hangs his head out the window or he rides in a sidecar, like FRED does (see top photo)!

* Monitor your dog around puddles of car fluids and leakage, many of these are poisonous, especiallyantifreeze which tastes sweet to animals.

* Do you have a PET ALERT sticker for your apartment door or window alerting emergency personnel that pets are inside? Empire of the Dog has one for free that we leave at several pet stores locally at PS9 Pets and District Dog …it looks like this:

That’s all for now! Stay turned for more doggie tips from Empire of the Dog.

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