Eagle St Rooftop Farms

The city is catching on that we need to get more sustainable in terms of our infrastructure. One way is to green private residences in ways that helps capture and redirect rainwater that would otherwise overwhelm the sewer system and cause CSOs (which is when raw sewage is released into our waterways.) Yeah – it’s totally a nasty affair and should be avoided!

NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced $6 million in grant funding is available for green infrastructure projects like rain gardens, blue roofs, green roofs, and porous pavement that manage stormwater runoff from private property. Private property owners in all five boroughs of New York City are eligible to apply.

The spring due date is May 6, 2014. More information & online application here. Another fall due date

DEP will host three workshops to explain the eligibility requirements and guide users through the application. A fourth workshop will be held at DEP headquarters in April to provide technical support for the applicants.

The Brooklyn workshop is on March 27, 2014 from 6:30-8:00PM at St. Francis College – Callahan Room (180 Remsen St.)

This is a great chance to make improvements to your home with the environment in mind!

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