Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property

On Wednesday March 12, 2014 at 7pm, the Greenpoint community is invited to a Public Meeting at Warsaw (261 Driggs Ave) to discuss the cleanup plan at Former Paragon Oil Company and Apollo Street Creek Parcels sites – both on the other side of McGuinness (#OSOM). There will be a presentation and Q&A with members of the NYSDEC. If you live or work anywhere near these sites, I strongly urge you to attend this meeting to find out how this remediation will affect your health. 

According to this fact sheet, which details how the remediation will take place, a bit of Greenpoint’s oily past is revealed:

The Greenpoint section of Brooklyn along Newtown Creek has been an area of heavy industrial and petroleum refinery operations for over 140 years. In the 1830s, whale oil was refined for use as illuminating oil. By the 1860s, petroleum became the primary product refined in Greenpoint. Over 50 petroleum refineries were located along the banks of Newtown Creek by the late 1800s. Greenpoint remained an important hub of petroleum refining and distribution area throughout the twentieth century. 

Thru 3/30 – the public can submit written comments to the contacts below.

Project Related Questions
Benjamin Rung
Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Remediation 625 Broadway, 12th Floor
Albany, NY 12233-7017
[email protected]

Site-Related Health Questions
Dawn Hettrick
New York State Department of Health Corning Tower, Room 1787
Albany, NY 12237
(518) 402-7860 [email protected]

For more information visit:

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