Bicycle Utopia, a transmedia project dedicated to the culture of urban cycling, launched an open call for photography and “photography-based art” on the theme of “complete streets and bike safety.” We have no idea what “complete streets” means so interpret freely…but the bike part seems relatively clear.

The show, titled “Am I Invisible? A Portrait of New York City Bicyclists” will celebrate the diversity and unique style of the city’s two-wheeled riders, while “subtly” advocating for safe streets. So consider including helmets.

The deadline to submit is 2/28 and a portion of the submission fee (a wee bit steep at $30) will be donated to Recycle-A-Bicycle, which we presume does just that, by helping youths and such.

The five best images will be awarded a $200 gift certificate to redeem in participating bike shops and the final exhibition will be held on in April at the Old Stone House and Washington Park in South Brooklyn.

Submit here. God speed!


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