Tonight, the Wythe Hotel hosts a Benefit for Public School Art Programs, which Jen announced yesterday, but it’s worth a repeat. Public – Supply, a company that produces responsibly-sourced notebooks, is the fundraiser co-host and there will be great food, music and drinks at this party.

We chatted with Peter Lawrence, GM & Owner of the Wythe Hotel, about tonight’s benefit.

GP: What was the inspiration behind the event?

Peter: Meeting the young team behind Public – Supply and getting caught up in their enthusiasm around their experiences with arts education, and how that education led them to creative careers. I met them after finding their great notebooks in a pop-up shop at the hotel. They educated me about their mission and how they make use of the services and access that Donors Choose offers to find great projects to fund.

GP: Why do you believe this is an important cause to support?

Peter: Education should be about inspiration – showing students the widest range of options for their lives, and hoping to find a spark that launches them onto a fulfilling path. The arts must be a part of that mix. 

GP: What impact are you hoping to make by hosting the event?

Peter: We hope to be able to fund projects in 10 classrooms – that would mean reaching as many as 300 kids – and (in a very small way) offering some support to those teachers who are really teaching their hearts out every day.

GP: Is the Wythe planning on hosting any other community-based events?

Peter: We hope so. We have the facilities and hope to continue growing as a resource for our neighbors. We currently host meetings for several community groups, but this is our first venture into a benefit that is produced by the hotel.

Go have fun tonight and support the arts and education.

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