V-Day can be the biggest bitch. She sneaks up on you when you’re single and alone and reminds you to cancel the couples massage appointment you never made.

Even when you’re in a relationship, the holiday just puts more pressure on you to do some sweeping romantic gesture that says “I’ll love you forever” like gifting that special someone a bag of heart candies on a rooftop in Paris or proposing to your significant other with 15 French Bull Dogs  and heart balloons in the park.

So for those of you watching The Notebook and crying today, I present the web series, Love’s a Bitch, for your anti-Valentines viewing pleasure.

Full disclosure, the maker of this web series is my boyfriend, Mr. Matthew Kazman. His sweeping romantic gesture this year was to make a show about breaking up.

Let’s just say he best be buying me some chocolate pie today to make up for it. Did you read that, Matt?? I said CHOCOLATE PIE (Alternatively, I will accept 100 choco tacos).

Oh, and it’s shot all around North Brooklyn, so there’s that.  If all else fails, I recommend purchasing this full-body Ryan Gosling pillow immediately.

Watch them all here.

Here’s the first episode:

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