Our Valentine’s Day nod to power partnerships continues with Nicole and Brian Chaszar of The Splendid Spoon, Greenpoint’s own plant-based soupery.

The Chaszars of The Splendid Spoon

GP: How did you two meet?

Nicole: We sat next to each other in class at Boston College. Brian is just over a year younger than me, so I was buying him a lot of beer our first year dating. I also had a car, which was a rarity at our school. He knew a good deal when he saw it.

GP: How long have you been together?

Nicole: 9.5 years; married just over 2 of them.

GP: Why did you decide to move to Greenpoint?

Nicole: For the neighborhood vibe – we love seeing the same faces, bumping into neighbors out on the weekend. It’s unique and awesome, for example, to buy wine from the peeps at Dandelion Wine, see them at the farmers market, and bump into them at a restaurant.

GP: What do you love about each other and about living and working together in Greenpoint?

Nicole: Brian is the yin to my yang for sure.  Where I am serious and focused, he is the creative dreamer.  I bring him down to earth every once in a while, and he has me in fits of laughter whenever I get too bogged down with work (which is often).

GP: Where are your favorite date nights or romantic spots in the neighborhood?

Nicole: We don’t get out much these days with an 8-month-old, and running the business around the clock. Having a business and a baby has definitely redefined my idea of a date night, which typically involves a lot of Netflix and wine now. A proper date feels like a huge luxury!  We had one of those proper dates at Glasserie a few months ago, which was quite nice.  Early breakfast at Five Leaves (before the kid-free folks roll out of bed) is super enjoyable as well.

Thanks, Nicole! And a hot tip for Greenpointers: if you’re curious about trying The Splendid Spoon’s soup offerings, both Good Eggs and Fresh Direct will deliver it to your door.

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