© Aaron Showalter / NY Daily News

While you were cozy under your blankets, 200 firefighters worked for over 4 hours to put out an inferno at a lumber yard in Greenpoint early this morning. And they saved a dog! 

According to the Daily News:

Marly Building Supply on Meeker  Ave. and Varick St. burst into flames around 12:30 a.m., FDNY sources said. The flames spread quickly in the tinder-box conditions of the sprawling, block-long lumber and building supplies yard, fire sources said, and released a mountainous plume of smoke that reached hundreds of feet into the sky… 

Approximately 200 firefighters wrestled with fire, which went to a fifth alarm, for over four hours. The fire was placed under control at 4:54 a.m., fire sources said…

There were no civilian injuries reported as of 3:30 a.m. Saturday, but firefighters did save a Rottweiler that appeared to be a guard dog…

The Fire Marshall was investigating the cause of the fire.

Check out the rest of the amazing photos.

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  1. We were not cozy under our blankets because the fire was right outside our bedroom window here on Van Dam St. We had front row seats and couldn’t go to sleep for worry that it might get out of control…every time they seemed to have it under control the flames would flare up again. This went on into the wee hours. We could only imagine what sort of toxic flammables (not to mention tons of lumber) were fueling the inferno. We are very thankful to the FDNY for battling the frigid temps and finally getting this thing out!

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