Stash Pouch by Montclair Made

Over the Hudson River, there is a place called New Jersey, and like minded people live there who also craft with a more sustainable world in mind. Meet Claire Cohen of Montclair Made, a featured vendor at our Holiday Market, who creates eco-friendly and repurposed products for greener living – that are pretty rad to boot.

Claire chatted with us about her “green” crafting:

When I graduated from college with a BFA and a degree in Weaving and Textile Design I did craft shows with my handpainted silk scarves. Over the last few years my work has taken on a green angle and I try to reuse and repurpose as much materials as possible in an effort to reduce waste. Most of my products are made from repurposed or vintage materials.

GP: How would a fan describe your work?

Claire: Recently someone commented to me that my work doesn’t seem forced and I really liked this description. I think my work comes naturally and really gets people to look at everyday things like cardboard packaging in a new and greener way.

GP: What is your best selling piece?

Claire: My xmas tree ornaments made from maps and file folders are really popular because they are a very unique decoration. 

Come check out more of Claire’s handmade sustainable craft creations. She can even make a custom pouch with your name on it.

In the meantime, shop for Montclair Made on Etsy, follow on Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

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