Golden-throated singer-songwriter Cassandra Jenkins offers this week’s mix. It’s extra long—to accommodate those feast comas. It’s a slow-burning ember of a playlist and a surefire digestive aid. Refill your and your favorite uncle’s pint glass and click on.

Cassandra explains the tunes:

I’m in a van with some other turkeys who decided to flee Brooklyn and fly south for Thanksgiving. Here are a few tunes we’ll be listening to on the rainy 10 hour drive down to North Carolina. Whether you’re skipping town or hanging in Brooklyn, I hope this playlist serves as good pairing with your yearly dose of tryptophan!

Right after sending this, she emailed me a follow-up from the road:

Haha awesome, let’s just throw all of rubber soul on there? 😉 singing it at the top of our lungs right now!

You heard her. Act accordingly and happy Thanksgiving, Greenpointers!

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