Even though our Kickstarter launch was delayed, we’ve started on filming, positive that we will raise the funds for our Neon Sign Documentary.

This weekend we packed up Robbie’s van (he is the Neon Sign Maker star of our film) – with all the film equipment, plus three doggies and took a fun road trip to meet Robbie’s parents in Monticello, NY. The ride up was scenic, full of peak fall foliage – and a stinky slobberfest! Not only are we learning about Neon, we are making wonderful friends through this process.

Given how nice Robbie is, I figured his folks would be great, too but I wasn’t expecting just how awesome and adorable they would be!

As we drove down the driveway up to the quaint lake house, we spotted his Dad Gaspar, an 85 years old man, up on a ladder in the front of the house fixing the awning. Full of energy and great stories, his pep didn’t give out the entire day.

Read on to find out about this sweet Cat Sleeping on Bear Woodwork!

Robbie’s mother Carmella was the sweetest hostess. After almost 40 years of marriage they are still the cutest love birds. Gaspar was at Carmella’s beck and call the entire day, helping her with her slippers and keeping her comfortable; he even cut up her pasta for her! Unsurprisingly for visiting an Italian-American family, we ate of two huge meals in between interviews. And we also met their three kitties – Sunshine, Tina and Cally.

Bonus: Gaspar showed us all the amazing things he makes. Since he no longer makes neon because he doesn’t have access to a shop, he has taken to wood working and is prolific. Everything in the house was made by him. After a while I got a kick out of saying “Did you make this? Did you make that?” And of course he did. Complicated instruments, boats, cars, toys, wall art, tables, chairs – you name it and Gaspar made it. It was incredible and everything was so intricately and well done.

It was so inspiring to see someone at his age with so much creative energy; he just doesn’t stop! We should all hope for half the amount of stamina and health if were are lucky enough to live that long.

After admiring this wall hanging above – a cat sleeping on a bear! WHAT!?! – knowing how much I adored it – Gaspar took it right off the wall and gave it to me. I was so honored and will treasure it dearly. It’s basically the best thing I have ever received as a gift because it came from someone who is so passionate about being alive and making things with his hands. He then went to look for a gift to give Miguel and gave him a sweet vintage wood car he carved. We did not expect these cool gifts!

After a long and really fun day filled with lots of food and amazing stories that we cannot wait to share with you – his parents were actually apologetic that they forgot to pick up cheesecake! As if they didn’t feed us enough! (That is so Italian.) As a consolation Gaspar played us a few songs on his piano – of course he is a self-taught and wonderful musician.

We were sad to leave and cannot wait to visit them again. It was like visiting home. We are so grateful for our new friends. We cannot wait to share all the great stories from Gaspar and Carmella with you!

Our Greenpointers Neon Sign Documentary is going to be an inspiring for all artists and makers. We do hope you can help us fund it via Kickstarter. The deadline is 11/10/13. Thanks in advance for the support!

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