Sunday Supper #8 on August 4th, 2013 from 7-9pm will not only feature amazing and truly locally grown produce from North Brooklyn Farms, but the location within Havemeyer Park (Kent Ave bet. So. 3rd & So. 4th) with a view of the Williamsburg Bridge and a summer sunset behind the Manhattan skyline will be truly exquisite.

Chef Emma Jane Gonzalez and North Brooklyn Farms’ Farmer Ryan Watson present a menu of local seasonal food and Sailor Jerry is providing the cocktails. Proceeds benefit North Brooklyn Farms.


• Delicate Green Pea Soup, Mint, Rosewater
• Grilled Cornbread, BBQ Adzuki Beans, Greens
• Fresh Heirloom Tomato, Herb Cashew Cream
• Fruit Parfait, Almond Cream, Balsamic Reduction
• Sailor Jerry Rum Basil Mint Mojito



Reservations are non-refundable.

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