© OLMC Feast

This is a tradition my crazy Italian family looks forward to every year, but you don’t need to be crazy or Italian to enjoy the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast. There is nothing quite like watching the lift of the giglio, a 4 ton, 65 ft structure, while enjoying zeppoles and holding a prize bag of goldfish!

The 2013 “highlighted” Feast dates are:

Opening Night = Wednesday July 10th 2013
Children’s Giglio Lift #1 = Thursday July 11th 2013
Questa = Saturday July 13th 2013
Giglio Sunday = Sunday July 14th 2013
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Day = Tuesday July 16th 2013
Night Lift = Wednesday July 17th 2013 (rain date = Thursday July 18th 2013)
Children’s Giglio Lift #2 = Friday July 19th 2013
Old Timers Day = Sunday July 21st 2013

Not sure why the first annual “Brooklyn’s Best” Meatball Contest on July 15th is NOT a “highlighted” feast date.

It’s $40 to enter for a Grand Prize of a $500 “Century Board” sign proclaiming the winner!

I know where I will be on Monday night!

Read All About The Giglio Feast.

Keep up with OLMC Feast on Facebook and watch the Promo Video, below.

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