is growing and we need some help and expertise.

Positions available:

Intern: Unpaid, 3-5 hrs/week. Ideal candidate should be familiar with WordPress, Social Media & Greenpoint. Responsibilites include basic administrative tasks, photo editing, posting, organizing. Email resume with INTERN-YOURNAME to greenpointers (at)

Event Producer: Commission-based, is dedicated not only to promoting local events, but creating them. We have successfully hosted classes, markets, fundraisers, art events, community walks and parties at local venues. Candidate should have experience working in event planning and the ability to develop and implement a full schedule of classes and events for, while creating partnerships with local promoters, organizations and businesses. Email resume with EVENTPRODUCER-YOURNAME to greenpointers (at)

Music Event Contributor: Unpaid, consistently receives press passes to ALL music events and festivals and needs a writer/photographer who is passionate and knowledgable about the local music scene to attend events (for free) and write about them. While there is no budget to pay contributors at this time, you can link to your website to take advantage of the considerable amount of traffic receives. Email greenpointers (at) with MUSICCONTRIBUTOR-YOURNAME to [email protected]


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