It’s sad to see such a great man go, but we wish him the best of luck! Thanks for everything Griffin! You rule.

Dear Friends,

On Monday evening at the Congregational Council meeting, I submitted my resignation as the pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Messiah. It has been my honor to serve you for the last seven and a half years. You have been my teachers and friends. For that, I am eternally grateful. Together, we have worked to reach out to the community in innovative ways — being a beacon of hope to our neighbors and beyond. 

As I enter a new decade in my life, I am feeling called by God into new adventures in my personal and professional life. I will be moving to Boston. At this time, I do not have a pastoral call or a job secured, but I have several possibilities in the mix. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me!

I have spoken with Bishop Rimbo about my plans. He and his staff are committed to walking closely with the congregation through the upcoming transition. The work accomplished by the Messiah/St. John’s dialog committee has laid the groundwork for moving forward together. Messiah is a resilient congregation, and I know that the future is bright even though it is a bit unclear at this time.

I plan to serve through the end of June, and my last Sunday will be June 24. I look forward to making the most of these final days with you. 

Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your on-going prayers and support. 

Grace and peace,
The Rev. Griffin Thomas

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