Last week was magnificent for gardening! The day after my trip to Hayseed’s Big City Farm Supply I decided to really give my balcony garden some of the TLC it deserves. I sat outside for about three hours in the sun and really went to town on my plants.

I started by re-potting a lot of the ones that looked like they were getting too big or crowded for their pots. I split the summer squashes that were growing together, and each got it’s own generously sized home. I weeded out some of the sadder looking plants that I didn’t think would recover, and freshened up the whole operation with a generous dousing of seaweed.

The most rewarding thing I did was finally get my garden organized and labeled. I don’t know why I waited so long to do this – especially when, let’s be honest – I didn’t even know what some of the plants were after they started to grow. But I think I figured it out, and my greenhouse is now as organized as a library.



I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in these cowpots. So far they are a little quiet, but it’s only been four or five days since I planted them.

It’s going to rain all weekend, so I am glad I still have the cover on my greenhouse so I can avoid over-watering. I’m hoping for at least one warm day, as I picked up some Brandywine tomato seeds and I am eager to get planting!

How is your garden coming along? Got any garden/Greenpoint related tips for me? Tweet them at @everydaycaitlin

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