Updated 9/8/11: A deal has been struck!

Update 9/1/11: I’ll be updating this post as I’ve gotten an overwhelming response already in just the last hour. I will not be making any rash decisions or selling it without responding to all serious inquiries. I will also not be selling it to a spam site – so no worries there. Thanks all!


I’m moving out of the neighborhood at the end of the month (September 29th to be exact) and I’m letting go of my baby. The Greenpointers has been a part of my life since the summer of 2007 and has evolved into a resource for the community to see the latest news, happenings and gossip around the neighborhood. I’m very proud of what I created with the help of numerous contributors over the years.

I’m offering Greenpointers up for best offer. If you’re interested, shoot me an email at
[email protected]
. I’m more than happy to answer any questions. Below are a few tidbits:

* August 2011 visitors: 18,370
* Website is run with WordPress
* I use Dreamhost as the host
* All existing content is included – If you wanted to, you could just pick up where I left off or you can start over. Entirely up to you.
* Original gmail account from the beginning of the blog is included
* All existing social media id’s are included – Facebook page, group, Twitter, Foursquare, Flickr, etc.
* A few of the contributors have already let me know they would be interested in staying on board with a new owner.

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  1. Booo. What happened? WIll miss reading about our awesome hood. Congrats on moving onwards and upwards justine. Where you going etc? I hope this blog doesn’t’ die. It’s too good.

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