It’s about damn time but I finally sprung for a website!

First off, I want to thank Chase Farnum for finally getting me off my ass to get an actual website and for being kind enough to set it up with WordPress so it’s pretty much idiot proof for me.

Changes? Yep, I made a few. I cut A LOT of the links. I went to a two column layout to cut down on the clutter and hopefully the colors will be more friendly on the eyes. I also restructured the way to navigate and find what you want. All posts will now fall into one of eight categories.

* News
* Events
* Eat
* Drink
* Shop
* Art
* Community
* Services

I’ve done some back editing, but there is still a ton to do and categorizing all the posts over 4 years is gonna take me probably months.

It’s also a work-in-progress. A friend of mine is working with me on designing a new logo and I’m trying to teach myself how to edit and work with my own website and the WordPress platform… Any tips?

So there it is. A fancy new website for The Greenpointers.

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