On occasion I post letters I receive from readers when they have something on their mind. Sometimes I give my two cents, sometimes I don’t. But I think it’s important to hear from the people who read Greenpointers about things going on in the neighborhood.

I enjoy reading the Greenpointers in my email.

Sad news last week as a homeowner on Jewel St decided it was time cut down a beautiful pine tree 40′-50′ tall with bunches of huge cones. While this 40 plus year old tree was in the backyard and needed trimming, it provided beautiful scenery to offset the factory walls abutting the backyards of the Jewel St attached houses.

When the trucks arrived on the block at 10am it appeared they were readying to trim the street trees. But quickly the horror was realized as the workers hurried into the house mid-block between Norman Ave and Meserole Ave.

Beyond the lost scenery is the horror of the now homeless creatures of nature including the pair of doves, a cardinal, and others. Not to mention the family of squirrels. I have a photo of 3 of them huddled in a plant while the tree was being taken down. The morning sounds of nature have been muted.

I am lucky to have photographed this tree multiple times in the past 7 years to hold memories. I clicked away as the tree was cut down within 20 minutes. My daughters were able to retrieve about 35 pine cones before the many branches were sent to the shredder. A pine cone wreath is planned to further enhance our memories.

Photos on flickr.


If you have something on your mind you’d like me to post, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

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