REEL TASTY:Spaceballs

Saturday, August 28th at 7:00pm
Come join us for some space travel. Here’s the skinny on the fat.

We partnered up with Smaltz Brewing Company for this one and in honor of their Jewishness we figured we would bring Mel Brooks and his hilarious Spaceballs to the deck.
This will be interesting and tasty for sure. A mix of Jewish food and space food is already being crafted by Aimee and I. We are smoking a brisket for sure and there are talks of homemade pickles and kinish sandwiches. Lots of Smaltz beer to wash all this down with. Lily from Dandelion Wines will do her best to pick some delicious bottles that match this juxtaposed theme. I guess all we can say is “May the Shwartz be with you!”.Grab a seat before they’re gone!
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