Cookie Road-Greenpoint

This is just a quick little intro post to say hi and let you know who this new Italian kid is writing all this food stuff (+other Grnpt observations). I have been in the ‘hood for years but have bounced around. It all started in 2005 on Franklin St. above the, now closed, Brooklyn coffee house. Then I bounced down to Withers and Humboldt to renovate a house. By the way, that is technically Greenpoint. It’s the real estate developers that love to call it Williamsburg. But who cares anymore now that Greenpoint has as much cache as ‘ol Billyburg. I then traded in Italian sausage shops for Polish sausage shops moving back up to the culdesac (what I like to refer to the mcguiness, greenpoint, franklin, ash st. square.)

So, what the hell do I do. I eat a lot. While that is happening I run a food blog, a supper club and a marketing agency. Recently my office has moved from Manhattan to my bedroom (that’s a good thing). So, I will be spending much more time during the week on the ‘hood exploring and eating. I hope to dig up some hidden nuggets and new finds that can help all you readers love Greenpoint even more. If there is ever anything more you’d like me to explore. Let me know. I love special requests. And, with that, happy Monday.

Your neighbor,
Jason Anello

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