St. Nicks Alliance is putting together an art show exhibiting the works of artists working in North Brooklyn. The space is a new community art center at the old outpatient clinic of the Greenpoint Hospital on Catherine Street with original architectural details providing a funky and unique backdrop for artists to strut their stuff. The exhibition itself will be held at 2 Kingsland Ave and serve as the inaugural show. Submit your works by May 23rd!

Details below:

St. Nicks Alliance, a community organization serving Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Bushwick, is seeking submissions for NorthBrooklyn, the inaugural show for its new community arts center.

NorthBrooklyn will celebrate the incredible diversity and richness of the creative community of North Brooklyn. The exhibition will open at 2 Kingsland Ave in East Williamsburg on June 18th and will be on display until August 15th, 2010. The new community arts space is housed in the old outpatient clinic of the Greenpoint Hospital (now named the Greenpoint Renaissance Center), with approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of open space for exhibition.

All artists/mediums are welcome, as long as you reside in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, or Bushwick at the time of application. Artists who are selected will be asked to verify their residency at that time.

A panel of local arts and community leaders will select a group of around 30 artists. The new arts space, located in the old outpatient clinic building on the Greenpoint Hospital campus, will be dedicated to using the arts and creative problem solving to find innovative solutions to local problems, using the arts as a vehicle for advocacy and community engagement. The NorthBrooklyn exhibition will kick off a summer full of activities and events dedicated to investigating issues of the North Brooklyn community through the arts.

Interested artists should submit the following no later than Sunday, May 23, 2010:

  • Up to 5 images (jpg, 72 dpi) of previous work
  • Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
  • Or up to 5 minutes of video (provide link to website with video, no files)
  • An image or description of the work you would like to exhibit/perform (if not included with work sample above)
  • Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
  • Resume and Artist Statement
  • Title file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAMEResume.doc or .rtf

Short paragraph describing how North Brooklyn has impacted/influenced your life as an artist.

Submissions should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line Art Show Submission. Please make sure to include your address and a contact phone number in your email. Artists will be notified of selection by Friday, May 28th and will need to be available to drop off artwork between June 4-11th, 2010.

Questions can be directed to Laura McLelland @ [email protected].

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