You know shit is getting tough when people are stealing the wheels off your mom’s minivan.


I read your blog quite frequently. It is always a great resource for neighborhood info. Thanks for keeping it up. Thought I would pass along something very strange that I saw this morning on my way to work.

Someone decided to steel all four tires from a Honda Fit early this morning on Ainslie st btw Lorimer & Leonard. I have never seen anything like this on my block or to such a generic car. I feel bad for the owner, sucks to see your car teetering on cinder blocks. See attached pictures.



Neighbors, we need to watch out for each other and our blocks a little more. If you see someone taking the wheels off a car – it’s probably not their car. While it may not be a situation for 911 – contact the 94th Precinct at the below numbers – keep these in your cell phone and/or on your fridge.

Precinct: (718) 383-3879

Community Affairs: (718) 383-5298
Crime Prevention: (718) 383-3287
Domestic Violence: (718) 383-4250
Youth Officer: (718) 383-3098
Auxiliary Coordinator: (718) 383-6248
Detective Squad: (718) 383-8495

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  1. Calling the precinct… HA!!

    I have called the 94 for minor infractions, such as drunk arguing at 2 am, bashing of car mirrors and my favorite a homeless man passed out drunk on my stoop a 4 in the afternoon. BOTH times they have told me I have to call 911, that they wouldn’t send a squad car. They actually sent 2 fire trucks and an ambulance to move a drunk man… what a waste.

  2. I've had success in calling the 94 for stuff, they showed up quickly and took care of the situations. I guess it's a crapshoot.

  3. Of course, there's no way of knowing what kind of wheels and/or tires may have been on even a "generic vehicle."

    And, backing up the earlier comment, if a crime is in progress you should call 911, not the precinct. The system is set up so that 911 operators dispatch sector cars; the precinct doesn't. They may do it under some circumstances, but dispatchers have the whole picture and can queue calls when cars aren't immediately available.

  4. Well, here's the deal with the Honda Fit. They come with really nice, really expensive rims. These rims also fit on older Honda Civics, which means there's a market for them to be stolen and resold. (It happened to me when I owned a Fit and lived in New Hampshire).

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